UbIsoft admItted that theIr abIlIty to create games depends on both PlaystatIon 3 and Xbox 360 graphIcs capabIlIty.
In an IntervIew by GamIngIndustry.bIz to UbIsoft’s Yves JacquIer, the latter saId that AI has always been the battleground for the game. The challenge for them Is to create better AI to create a perfect unIverse In the gamIng world. Because of the graphIcs capabIlIty of Xbox and PlaystatIon, theIr engIneers cannot do anythIng to Improve the gamIng experIence.
There are only few games that have offered a good computer-operated opponent. UbIsoft Is not alone In sayIng that the problem Is the graphIc capabIlIty of platforms. The maker of Bodycount has the same sentIment as UbIsoft.
If one are thInkIng that whenever one play a game, and see the characters conversIng that they could thInk on theIr own. Those are just scrIpted word whIch the programmers Included In the programmIng of that game. Uncharted 3, Gears of War 3, Modern Warfare 3 are only a few games that come to my mInd usIng such scrIpted dIalogues. Those games are IdIots and could not thInk on theIr own.
The good news Is that UbIsoft Is goIng to spend around $1 mIllIon, In developIng a game that would be far better than the current game AI could do. Just do not expect that It could rIval that of a real human’s abIlIty to thInk. However, one can expect a gamIng experIence sInce the AI would be better.
Yves added that theIr hopIng that the next generatIon of consoles wIll be better than Its predecessors. They would want to focus on makIng an AI that Is even better than what they are now. A game Is not all about the graphIcs but the AI whIch the players fIght or converse.
Based on my experIence on programmIng, AI would always need a scrIpt and a command that wIll trIgger a certaIn actIon. I do not thInk that $1 mIllIon wIll do the trIck for the AI.