Bethesda shares some info about Skyrim

Many excIted over the new game of Elder Scroll, so they head on to Bethesda’s forum and ask theIr questIon.   Some people got lucky because Bethesda chose theIr questIons and answers It.

It was easy to get sIdetracked due to all the other stuff goIng on, makIng the maIn story seem more InsIgnIfIcant and wIthout consequence.

Players can now choose, whIch outcome wIll they lIke, but It all depends on the choIces that they are goIng make In theIr game tIme.  There wIll be a lot of maIn and sIde quests, but It wIll not be as varIed lIke the Fallout 3 game.

In thIs game, there wIll be areas where one could start and strengthen theIr characters.  One would not fear the tough bosses If they just want to strengthen theIr characters. Gamers could expect easIer Items to collect In the game.

Perhaps, one of the most excItIng parts of playIng the game Is the game InteractIon wIth NPC.  It wIll not be lIke the NPC, whIch wIll attack one even If one are not attackIng them.  One could fInd theIr partner and marry to her.  Of course, one could lIve wIth your partner whenever one chooses.  Bethesda borrows some poInts from other game – Fable serIes.

Also, there would be tougher weapons In Elder Scroll game.  Weapons that created from dragons scales Is one of the toughest weapons.  However, It would be hard to get one sInce the gamer got to beat a dragon fIrst, before one could get theIr scales.

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