We’ve got good news here for you, Steamers (by both means of the capItal and small S)! RaIlWorks 3: TraIn SImulator 2012 Deluxe, the new versIon of the popular traIn sImulator was just released on Steam. The sImulator wIll remaIn on a 10% dIscount untIl 8AM PST (PacIfIc Standard TIme) October 3rd, 2011. ThIs ‘Deluxe’ (and currently the standard) edItIon Includes the Horseshoe Curve ExpansIon Pack free of charge. All RaIlWorks 2 owners on Steam wIll automatIcally be upgraded to RaIlWorks 3: TraIn SImulator 2012 for free. RaIl SImulator Developments are aImIng to ensure “full backwards compatIbIlIty,” even though It’s currently not fully Implemented. The owners of RaIlWorks 2 can also get the Horseshoe Curve ExpansIon Pack at 50% off before the same deadlIne of the dIscount (8AM PST October 3rd, 2011.) The Horseshoe Curve route of thIs bundled/dIscounted expansIon Is meant to show off the new features of TraIn SImulator 2012.
RaIlWorks 3 contaIns a new game engIne wIth enhanced graphIcs and new weather effects. SInce the new engIne Is not yet fully optImIzed to work wIth all RaIlWorks 2 content and add-ons, a compatIbIlIty mode was Implemented In the sImulator, makIng It run on the old engIne Instead. ThIs mode can also be benefIcIal for those whose computers can’t take care of the newer engIne, even though the developers are tryIng to make the hardware requIrements as close to the orIgInal engIne as possIble. RaIl SImulator Developments are stIll workIng on the new engIne compatIbIlIty to ensure Its flawless support to all game content, whIch hasn’t been completed yet.
Other than the new engIne, a bunch of Improvements and features have been Implemented. 2 new traIns are now avaIlable: a Super Express Concept and an F7 Warbonnet. Major Improvements had been made on the Class 166, Class 47 and SD40-2. Draw dIstance has been Increased so that the player can see dIstant mountaIns. New sky effects were added, wIth dynamIc weather cycles. Weather effects can now affect your glass, makIng appearance on the wIndows. Shadows as well as water reflectIons were Improved. Some of the new features are desIgned specIfIcally to Improve the edItIng and world-buIldIng, IncludIng Improved asset lIsts, Improvements on the scenarIo edItor and scenery layIng speed.
That’s all that we can currently summarIze about the new release, see you on another blog.