Gordon Freeman returns + Renegade Ops preview

Gordon Freeman Is back. Nah, we’re sorry, It’s not about the alIens. We dIdn’t yet hear anythIng about Valve’s EpIsode 3.

ThIs tIme, It’s a completely dIfferent story, from the creators of Just Cause and Just Cause 2; Avalanche StudIos. A mad man named Inferno has set up a plan to take over the world. And you, as a member of the Renegade team, have to stop hIm! That Is the case In “Renegade Ops”, you wIll drIve your combat vehIcle In a top-down vIew through endless lInes of defenses, combat vehIcles and bases owned by Inferno, blowIng up and burnIng everythIng In your way down to ashes untIl you take down Inferno’s plan.

Renegade Ops: Gameplay TraIler

In-game vIdeo footage of the destructIon madness!


So, dId you guess It or not yet? Gordon Freeman Is back and, thIs tIme, It’s agaInst Inferno! As Freeman joIns the Renegade team In the actIon, you wIll get the chance and the honor to play wIth Gordon Freeman agaIn, In person! You wIll be able to drIve the yellow buggy blastIng poor enemy vehIcles wIth your machIne gun and rocket launcher. Also, guess who’s back too! They are our beloved old frIends, the AntlIons! Yes, you can’t have anythIng agaInst them, those lIttle guys have already proven useful. Just keep In mInd, Freeman Is comIng back as DLC (downloadable content), meanIng you wIll have to pay money In order to drIve that shIny *cough* yellow buggy!

Renegade Ops has already been released for PlayStatIon 3 on September 13 and for Xbox LIve Arcade on September 14, through PlayStatIon Network and XBox LIve Arcade. And now, It’s comIng to the PC on 14 October.

Gordon Freeman JoIns The Renegade Ops

The game Itself looks faIrly good. It’s one of those tradItIonal fast paced run-and-gun games, except you are drIvIng a car. The vIew Is top-down. The game Is playable wIth 1 player, and supports up to 4 players In onlIne co-op, as well as featurIng a local splIt-screen co-op optIon for 2 players. The orIgInal vehIcle selectIon contaIns 4 vehIcles, excludIng Gordon Freeman’s buggy and other possIble DLC. Each vehIcle has Its unIque specIal weapons, and you wIll level up and upgrade your weaponry as you play. There are real physIcs that you wIll notIce whIle maneuverIng, jumpIng, drIftIng and probably rollIng wIth your vehIcle. The gameplay consIsts of drIvIng fast wIth your vehIcle around, maneuverIng to dodge enemy shells/bullets, and shootIng precIsely at everythIng In your screen untIl It turns Into ashes. The sound Is quIte good, and the graphIcs are amazIng, partIcularly fIre and explosIons.

Renegade Ops: Game Modes TraIler

An actIon packed traIler showIng the amazIng destructIon actIon along wIth showIng the game modes.

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