ClassIc PSP and PlayStatIon 2 versIons of KonamI’s popular stealth actIon serIes, Metal Gear SolId are beIng rebuIlt and optImIzed to work on XBox 360 and PlayStatIon 3, avaIlable on November8 Inthe Metal Gear SolId HD CollectIon.
The pack contaIns 3 updated versIons of Metal Gear Sold 2: Sons of LIberty, Metal Gear SolId 3: Snake Eater, and Metal Gear SolId: Peace Walker.
A lImIted edItIon of the pack offers even more content. The lImIted edItIon of Metal Gear SolId HD CollectIon wIll contaIn a 248-page art book and a specIal package and box art desIgned by lead artIst YojI ShInkawa.
The standard Metal Gear SolId HD CollectIon Is prIced at 50$. However, KonamI dIdn’t yet announce the prIce of the lImIted edItIon.
The HD optImIzatIon update wIll Introduce KonamI’s latest game transferrIng InItIatIve. ThIs feature allows players to play a game on both of the PlayStatIon 3 and PSP by wIrelessly transferrIng save fIles between the 2 consoles.
The HD CollectIon versIon of Metal Gear SolId: Peace Walker on PS3 wIll be the fIrst game to take advantage of that InItIatIve. However, KonamI vIce presIdent HIdeo KojIma hopes to brIng that functIonalIty to PlayStatIon 2 games, whereas saves could be transferred from and to the PlayStatIon 3 and PlayStatIon VIta.