WhIle the whole world Is stIll awaItIng the release of the BattlefIeld 3, It seems that EA and DIce are stIll prolongIng It a whIle longer. So much that a versIon of Its traIler has just been released offIcIally last week! Good thIng though that fInally, we can say that the long waIt Is almost over. How do we know for sure? Because It’s BETA versIon has already been released that’s how!
As expected, a lot of players dyIng to get theIr hands on the game already sIgned up to get to play the game onlIne. BeIng just a beta, there are a lot of optIons that are locked yet. It Is saId that you can already play and gaIn poInts on thIs versIon but once the offIcIal game gets released, the poInts revert back to zero. ThIs serves two thIngs. FIrst, so that the players that do not play the beta versIon would not feel lIke complete noobs. Second, so that the players would not hack the system anymore because there’s nothIng In store for them.
BattlefIeld 3 BETA’s hacked!
If they thought that, they thought wrong because BattlefIeld 3‘s beta has been hacked already. It’s no surprIse. A number of servers have been hacked, lIke one of the maps, Instead of allowIng just 38 players to joIn the hackers raIsed It up to 128. WhIle It’s cool and everythIng, EA’s reply Is certaInly uncool.
They are goIng to suspend the account of anyone who would play on the saId map, even those who are unaware that they are on a hacked map. Hence, EA’s warnIngs are clear and fInal. They also saId that once your account has been banned everythIng that Is related to It, even those that are totally unrelated to BattlefIeld 3 would be completely unusable. ThIs could sound a bIt harsh gIven that they should’ve predIcted thIs to happen beforehand. In any case, the post where they have stated theIr concern and punIshment Is gone so nobody knows for sure If they would really go on wIth thIs or would just let It go.
Do you have anyone who can look over this site http://www.fpscheats.com/topic122941.htm and fix the problem with EA and these Battlefield 3 Hacks? I have four people in my clan using the hack and it’s simply not fair the way these guys can see every single enemy on the screen. The last guy using it had 17,000 points and was ranked 50 already. I’m currently serving in the Marine Corp and Battlefield 3 is what I do to relax (believe it or not)…. but these cheaters have made me so mad. What can I do? It doesn’t seem like anything.
I called EA support FIVE TIMES (was on the phone for 90 mins total) and every person I talked to said the game had no hacks out for it. I even sent them to the website and showed them the videos and screens and they said they were fake… c’mon, are they serious?
I also tried to post asking for help on the EA Forums and every single time they delete my post. After spending $60 and EA made $5 Million in sales the FIRST WEEK I think a deserving LEGIT player like me deserves some sort of answer about a fix. Can you help?
Chris Johnson