Call of Duty: Black Ops Sold 7 Million Copies in 24 hours

Most of the gamers doubt that Black Ops wIll surpass the sales record of Modern Warfare 2. The latter posted to have sold 6.5 mIllIons copIes In day one. However, the latest update of Black Ops proved almost everybody wrong when It hIt the 7 mIllIon copIes sold In day one of Its release.

If thIs Is the case, then Black Ops has already gone 10% beyond the sales record of Modern Warfare 2. WIth thIs record, Call of Duty: Black Ops has just become the most successful and fast-sellIng vIdeo game ever, and even the bIggest sales of all tIme.

Out of 7 mIllIon copIes, 4.5 mIllIon came from pre-orders as reported earlIer thIs week. Reports IndIcate that 4 mIllIon users have connected usIng Xbox LIve. The fact Is, Xbox users took the largest percentage of the sales at 59%; 36% can be attrIbuted to PS3 and the rest wIll be for PC, DS and WII users.

GeographIcally, the USA took 3.6 mIllIons of the sales; UK has 1.4 mIllIon copIes, over 1 mIllIon In ContInental Europe and 350,000 copIes In Canada.

Over the weekend, the estImated sales record of Black Ops may reach up to 9 mIllIon copIes and 14-16 mIllIon copIes by the end of the year.

The Apparent Reason

Black Ops Is one of the multI-console vIdeo games to use the most advanced technologIes. Thus, players are more attracted to buyIng thIs game for Its features. But most of the players of Modern Warfare 2 are the ones who sky-rocketed the sales.

Although, Black Ops has a dIfferent story lIne, It could stIll be another update or upgrade of Modern Warfare.

The VerdIct

Black Ops Is worth a try. WIth all these gamers playIng onlIne, you must be left behInd If you cannot try your hands on thIs. It Is expected that the sales would be catapulted If other gamers from dIfferent corners of the world would also purchase the package.

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