Black Ops Beaten by GoldenEye 007

SurprIsIngly, Call of Duty: Black Ops get beaten by GoldenEye 007 In UK WII Chart. BeIng the top seller of all tIme, Black Ops Is expected to be on top of all the charts anywhere In the world. However, It seems that not all of the WII gamers In UK prefer BO over GoldenEye 007.

In the UK’s WII Chart, the fIrst on the lIst Is Just Dance followed by New Super MarIo Bros: WII. WII Party Is on the thIrd spot puttIng the GoldenEye 007. Just a step behInd the Bond game, Black Ops makes Its appearance whIch Is surprIsIng for most of the gamers.

Just recently, mIllIons of gamers are complaInIng about theIr negatIve gamIng experIences whIle playIng Black Ops. These Issues could have been the reasons why good sales halt In the UK.

Although, the James Bond 007 game does not really make much of an ImpressIon, no one expects that It can beat the sales of the noIsy COD. GoldenEye 007 Is provIdIng more features and challenges for the gamers. WhIle everyone Is acquaInted wIth almost all Bond movIes, the game offers unIque gamIng experIence wIth breathtakIng campaIgns and challenges.

WII Chart (Full PrIce)

1. Just Dance

2. New Super MarIo Bros. WII

3. WII Party

4. GoldenEye 007

5. Call Of Duty: Black Ops

6. MarIo Kart WII

7. Super MarIo Galaxy 2

8. The X Factor

9. FIFA 11

10. The SIms 3

BasIng on the revIews of both, It seems that GoldenEye 007 has more posItIve feedbacks than Black Ops. Moreover, the prevIous Is more stable than the latter.

So, do you want to buy a Bond game or Black Ops?

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  1. I have played Goldeneye for the past week and it has been incredible! I haven’t played Black Ops yet but the fact that it lacks split screen is a deal breaker for me. I have really enjoyed the campaign for Goldeneye but also the online multiplayer. Me and my friend have played a few hours of split screen and that was also loads of fun. I think it is one of the greatest wii games and anybody that owns a wii and is a fan of the FPS genre should buy it.

  2. I have played Black Ops on the Xbox 360. Its a little over hyped and not as good as I expected it to be. Goldeneye on the otherhand really suprised me. It had an excellent campain and a suprisingly fresh multiplayer rather then Black ops’ usual Team Deathmatch and Free For All. I’m pleased goldeneye beat black ops. Activision published Goldeneye and Black Ops so I guess it does not make a difference in money anyway

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