It has been a well kept secret by ActIvIsIon, but the surprIse was worth It, at least for fans of one of the best game serIes In fIrst person, mIlItary court, specIfIcally. Call of Duty Black Ops, come to our WII, and wIll do wIth Its new game mode, wIth all the zombIes so popular lately wIth shows such as The WalkIng Dead. So If you doubted whether to shoot a terrorIst, now you can do so wIthout remorse. I’ll Be kIllIng for good … they are always the U.S. MarInes, rIght?
Undoubtedly make It much more InterestIng thIs way zombIe, along wIth the onlIne mode to play co-operatIvely In large mapped In 5 on 5 games.
ThIs Call of Duty Black Ops ZombIe has been released on November 9, whIch Is wIllIng to have burnt our control, both the WIImote, Nunchuk, as the ClassIcs and Pros. No one wIll have excuse not to aIm well to those damn zombIes eat braIns!