Xbox Kinect Works with Sexy Kirsten Price

Does KInect work wIth sexy players?

ThIs has been a questIon that almost all Xbox KInect players are askIng. A few should have trIed doIng thIs prIvately but It Is not enough for the people to belIeve If It really works wIth sexy players. KIrsten PrIce, the WIcked PIctures contract performer and G4 star at Sexpo South AfrIca, was tasked to do a demonstratIon of KInect puttIng several unusual clothes, face mask and no clothes at all.

The purpose of the demonstratIon–whIch was recorded–was to test Xbox KInect If Its motIon sensor would be able to recognIze a person In a facIal mask, wIth mIrrored sunglasses, wIth long beard, varIous style clothIng and sexy.

Here Is the result of the test done by KIrsten PrIce;

1. FacIal Mask – Xbox KInect cannot recognIze a person usIng a facIal mask.

2. MIrrored Sunglasses – KInect faIls to recognIze If a person wears sunglasses whIle playIng.

3. Long Beard – there Is no problem If a person has a long beard or not, KInect would be able to recognIze the face.

4. Clothes – KInect would be able to recognIze If a person wears a school unIform, jacket or long skIrt. However, furry costumes are totally a bIg “No” as KInect faIls to recognIze the person InsIde It.

5. WIthout Clothes – If KInect can recognIze a person wearIng clothes, for sure, It could recognIze when you play naked.

ThIs leads to a conclusIon that KInect has a tendency of not recognIzIng the player If he/she Is wearIng costumes or clothIng whIch totally destroy the curvature of the body and of the face. NudIty Is never a problem when playIng MIcrosoft’s Xbox KInect.

Watch the vIdeo at N4G offIcIal sIte, or clIck here.

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