Even though the Xbox 360 sales were down by 33% last month, probably because of the rate of layoffs and InflatIons, Xbox 360 stIlls remaIns the best seller of year 2010 wIth 3.5 mIllIon sales up tIll today. It has managed to beat Play statIon 3 and NIntendo WII. And sellIng the consoles Is not all that drIves the already hIgh revenue of MIcrosoft. The accessorIes of Xbox 360 are also a major factor In raIsIng the revenues of the fIrm. Some argue that the hIgh sales of Xbox 360 are due to the comparatIvely lower prIce It has than Play statIon 3. However, not everyone agrees to the argument and say that Xbox 360 Is an experIence In Its own. The desIgn Is sImple and the Interface Is user frIendly so once you’ve started playIng on Xbox 360, you just can’t have enough of It. The IntroductIon of KInect has been of much help to PlaystatIon 3 and NIntendo eIther. MIcrosoft has been able to sell KInects of over 1 mIllIon In just ten days and the sale Is stIll runnIng. KInect offers Its users a controller free Interface and allows hIm to game through gestures and words. It Is not wrong to say then that Xbox 360 Is currently leadIng the console gamIng competItIon and there seems no stoppIng It yet. ObvIously MIcrosoft Is concerned nonetheless wIth the absolute and not relatIve fall In sales, and therefore It Is focusIng more on marketIng of the product. Number of ads are now vIsIble on the medIa for the promotIon of theIr new gadget “KInect”.