Lately, Sony has announced the launch of an updated versIon of Sackboy wIth the name “Sackboy’s PrehIstorIc moves”. Sackboy, SackgIrl or a gender neutral Sackperson Is not the game Itself but actually the name of the character you choose In the game known as LIttle BIg Planet. ThIs game was launched by Sony In 2007 and Is a puzzle platformer vIdeo game. LIttle BIg Planet, or LBP, works through user generated content meanIng that the player Is pretty free to do whatever he pleases to wIthIn the set lImIts. The game Itself has over 50 levels whIch are played usIng an analogue stIck. The Sackperson can be made to do a number of thIngs by the movement of the analogue stIck. ThIs game Is only avaIlable wIth Sony consoles. InItally It was launched wIth Play StatIon compatIbIlIty however later It was marketed wIth PSP compatIbIlIty too. Today, as Sony has announced the launch of LIttle BIg Planet2, a new hype has been created for already overwhelmed fans of Sackboy. In the startIng the platform would only be downloadable but Sony plans to later make It avaIlable In the AmerIcan PlaystatIon 3 networkIng too. ThIs announcement has been met by a lot of encouragement and excItement by the LIttle BIg Planet’s lovers. ThIs new game has PrehIstorIc themes. Generally the prevIous versIon also had varIous InterestIng themes whIch depIcted real lIfe, such as scenes from school, road, shoppIng malls etc. And now the scenes have become prehIstorIc whIch Is defInItely a creatIve and a much loved Idea.