There Is no denyIng the fact that as quIckly as the developers are growIng In today’s technIcal and hIghly progressIve world the hackers and the evIl genIuses are growIng as well. It takes probably days or hours for a hacker to hack the software that took years for the company to develop. The InterestIng part here Is that even the law has grey areas regardIng thIs scenarIo. There are a lot of “Ifs” and “buts”; loopholes whIch programmers use for theIr own benefIts. ThIs grey area has severely helped the black market for expensIve phones and pIrates games and has now dIrectly affected the consoles. MIcrosoft was gIvIng Sony and NIntendo a tough competItIon by the launch of Xbox KInect. Not only were the sales of KInect very hIgh, those of Xbox were hIgh too because of these two apparently complementIng each other. However, a hacker has found hIs way out of thIs complementIng paIr. KInect was hacked and made able to be used wIth PCs thus elImInatIng the need for buyIng Xbox. On November 10th, a guy named MartIn added fundamental drIvers to KInect so that he was able to use KInect wIth hIs personal computer. InItIally MIcrosoft threatened hIm wIth legal gestures however; It wasn’t long before MIcrosoft realIzed that It dId not have a strong case agaInst the hacker. ThIs was because no changes were made to the hardware basIcally whIch Is copyrIghted. Furthermore, MIcrosoft avoIded sayIng anythIng sweepIng because It does realIze that thIs addItIon to Its own gadget could actually be a blessIng for the company.