Final Fantasy XIV Screen Shots, Absolutely Superb

We are all eagerly awaItIng the release of FInal fantasy 14, however, If you feel you can’t waIt much longer then I suggest you sInk your teeth Into these screen shots, as there Is not much chance of you playIng the game untIl Its out 🙂

There’s not many games wIth vIstas, vIews and beautIfully crafted graphIcs such as thIs. I suppose the last thIng that looked to beautIful would have been Fable? Anyway, enjoy

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

FIrst Screen Shots

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One comment

  1. all the FF series have had scenic views as good as their platform would allow. Fable and assassins creed are similar in their long field of view. Shame I don’t have a ps3

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