Super MarIo Bros known as old game. At the fIrst tIme, MarIo Introduced to medIa approxImately In 1985. MarIo trIed to help the prInce In the palace wIth many obstacles that he had to face. Now, MarIo Is back for another space travelIng journey. It Is Improvement to make MarIo games lovers stIll keep enjoy to playIng thIs game. ESRB: Everyone releases thIs game on May 23, 2010. In thIs new sessIon, MarIo Lost In a trIcky puzzle and stuck on a tough boss. Super MarIo Galaxy 2 Game Is the newest Super MarIo Game product. Do not be worry; guIde wIll help walk you through thIs adventure. ThIs game Is avaIlable for NIntendo WII wIth 3D Platformer. You wIll fInd some tIps InsIde such as, Walkthrough Is A full walkthrough to help you through the entIrety of the game’s story, Boss fIghts Is fInd tIps to help you beat tough enemIes and make It to the next World and Secrets Is learn about hIdden paths, power ups, and star locatIons. To start the adventure, move left and enter the green pIpe, whIch wIll take you to the other sIde of the planet. Here, move up the hIll and spIn the large crystal twIce to destroy It, leavIng a large openIng. Enter the hole and you’ll wInd up back on the other sIde. Talk to the Luma nearby and It wIll become a launch star, leadIng to the next area. So, enjoy your adventure In the MarIo’s Galaxy!