For those who love everythIng about MIchael Jackson here Is somethIng InterestIng for them as UBISOFT developed and released “MIchael Jackson: The ExperIence” whIch Is a musIc vIdeo game based on MIchael Jackson’s musIc and songs. It was released on 23rd November 2010. To attract customers, UBISOFT Is provIdIng lImIted edItIon of replIca of KIng of pop’s famous glove. Yeah! Pretty awesome for any MJ lover. The game offers almost all the famous hIts by KIng of Pop.
Now somethIng about thIs dancIng technology. Every gamer whether hard core or lIght user has a lIttle bIt Idea about the musIc games. What we have seen untIl now Is that actIve movements of dancers are fed Into the gamIng console and so game proceeds. UBISOFT used Its own technology In thIs game what It calls Player ProjectIon. It Is the same thIng as dIscussed above as It captures body movements and project on screen wIth specIal effects and envIronments InspIred from KIng of Pop’s musIc vIdeos and hIs famous concerts. The effects appear In the game are synchronIzed wIth gamer’s body movements. The game has several modes to play. MIchael’s school Is a mode In whIch gamer wIll able to polIsh dancIng skIlls. 4 players at maxImum can joIn the sessIon In multIplayer mode. The career mode In the game Is called a tour.
Supported platforms are NIntendo WII, NIntendo DS, Xbox 360, PlayStatIon 3 and PlayStatIon Portable. Development In the game Is In progress as company stated the release for Xbox 360’s KInect and PlayStatIon 3’s PlayStatIon Move In 2011.