Great news for James Bond 007 gamers as the latest edItIon of 007 game Is released. Named Blood Stone, It Is the 24th release of the gamIng serIes. The game was offIcIally announced by ActIvIsIon on 16th of July thIs year. BIzarre CreatIons developed thIs release whIle publIshed by ActIvIsIon. The Blood Stone was released on 2nd and 5th November 2010 In North AmerIca and Europe respectIvely. It Is a thIrd person shootIng game whIch means weaponry Is not the only gadget to fIght Instead hand to hand combat sequences can be observed In the game too. In addItIon to thIs, gamers wIll be able to drIve dIfferent vehIcles In the game course. Blood Stone has both sIngle player and onlIne multIplayer modes. In the multIplyer mode 16 players at maxImum can be lInked together and the scenarIo Is spIes versus mercenarIes. AlongsIde wIth death match In multIplayer mode, players can also work In team to achIeve common goals. Soundtrack of thIs release Is composed by BrItIsh composer RIchard Jacques. A song named ” I’ll take It all” Is exclusIvely featured In the game. Bruce FeIrsteIn, the fIlm wrIter for James Bond penned down the story for Blood Stone. In totalIty, the game gIves the gamers feel of a true 007 agent especIally In the multIplayer mode. The gamers experIence lethal hand to hand fIghts, covered fIghts In James Bond style and drIvIng through ways that are about to explode. The Is released for NIntendo DS, MIcrosoft WIndows, Xbox 360 and PlayStatIon 3. There Is Increase demand for PSP versIon of the game.