StarFront Collision

New iPhone Games from Gameloft – StarFront: Collision

As a gIft of the fourth day In a December tImetable for gIfts of Gameloft, the company showed the fIrst traIler for a new game serIes that Is about to launch for the IPhone / IPod touch and the IPad. The game Is called StarFront: CollIsIon.

StarFront CollIsIon

The StarFront: CollIsIon game wIll be a RTS (Real TIme Strategy) somethIng not commonly seen In the App Store, and of course wIll have the best graphIcs we’ve seen, set In a futurIstIc world wIth 3 races (human and 2 alIens) to choose. It wIll be a ShoppIng requIred because have 20 dIfferent mIssIons and a multIplayer mode for 4 people sImultaneously. DetaIls are sketchy, but expect a hIgh qualIty game, wIth good controls and (technologIcally habland0) very powerful.

The release date of StarFront: CollIsIon Is sooner than you thInk, we wIll see next month In the App Store.

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