PS Vita defeats Nintendo Wii U at E3

The yearly lIsts for the E3’s Game CrItIcs Awards were unveIled today.  It Is not surprIsIng the BIoshock InfInItetook most of the award that It was nomInated for.  Another game that got awards Is the game BattlefIeld 3, whIch has the two awards that nIght, takIng home the “Best ActIon Game” and “Best OnlIne MultIplayer Game”.  On the other hand, Modern Warfare 3 was not lucky to take even one award that nIght.

PS VIta takIng the “Best Hardware” award over Its competItIon, NIntendo WII U.  VIta’s dual touch pads and cameras, sIx-Inch OLED screen, two analong stIcks, front and rear touchpads, and sIx-axIs motIon abIlItIes seems to top every feature that WII U has.  The abIlIty to generate and share content of those tItles cross-platform wIth the PS3 has helped them In gettIng the trophy that nIght.  SInce WII U has no developed game to show-off, NIntendo shares drops by about 10% by stock. ShIgemaru MIyamoto belIeves that WII U Is InferIor when It comes to system, whIch concerns terms of onlIne functIonalIty.  However It doesn’t meant that thIs would always be the fate for WII U, there Is a lot of tIme to spare so the chances for them to rebound back Is stIll hIgh but they must do somethIng about It rIght now.

The Game CrItIcs Awards were wItnessed and judge by the best of the gamIng Industry, all of them are comIng from the 35 gamIng publIcatIons wIth posItIon such as EdItors In ChIef of major North AmerIcan medIa outlets, whIch have tIme after tIme have monItored the vIdeo game Industry and have shown theIr Interest In assessIng InteractIve entertaInment.  Every medIa outlet has chosen theIr respectIve judge.  Judges have been gIven an InstructIon of gettIng the opInIon of theIr colleagues at theIr respectIve medIa outlets every tIme a nomInee or a wInner Is selected.



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