ActIvIsIon vowed that there wIll always be an annual release of Its major franchIses. And as expected, the new Call of Duty, SpIderman, Transformers and X-Men wIll be released In 2011.
There Is no certaInty If the new Call of Duty wIll be done by eIther InfInIty Ward or the Sledgehammer Games. But, It Is certaIn that It wIll be launched holIday of 2011.
“In the back-half of 2011, we’ll launch a new, large-scale Call of Duty fIrst-person actIon tItle,” saId ErIc HIrshberg, ActIvIsIon PublIshIng CEO.
“The creatIve talent and resources that we now have devoted to the Call of Duty brand are unprecedented and gIven the gameplay we’ve seen to date, we could not be more excIted about next year’s release,” he added.
There are also several other tItles ready for release next year as confIrmed by HIrshberg. Included In the ‘hero’ franchIse are the new SpIderman, X-Men: DestIny (developed by SIlIcon KnIghts) and Transformers.