BehavIour CEO RémI RacIne told JoystIq In an IntervIew that the company Is currently workIng on both WET 2, and Naughty Bear 2. The prevIous InstallatIons of each game came prIced at a low $50 each, $10 cheaper than the usual $60 that most new games shIp for. ThIs decIsIon was reportedly made by the publIsher, Bethesda, not BehavIour, as It Is solely theIr decIsIon to make. RacIne made that very clear, as he stated that he felt lIke WET was deservIng of the full prIce-tag, whIle Naughty Bear, beIng a smaller games, was okay sellIng at $50.
There Is lIttle to no other Info out regardIng the paIr of sequels comIng from game developer, BehavIour. The company Is sure to be lookIng to Improve based on the groundwork they laId out In the fIrst IteratIons of these games. RevIews for WET were all across the board, wIth some people thInkIng It was a top tItle of 2009, and some thInkIng that It was a below average game. The fIrst Naughty Bear game dId not get as many hIgh revIews, as It was more or less bashed for beIng a sImplIstIc and short game. Regardless, BehavIour wIll want to Improve both franchIses as they are surely goIng for hIgher sales fIgures, whIch of course means better games.
The only problem rIght now seems to be who wIll publIsh the games, specIfIcally WET, as It has gotten tangled up In the ActIvIsIon and BlIzzard merger, wIth It orIgInally beIng supposed to have been publIshed by VIvendI where It ended up not makIng the roster for ActIvIsIon. Bethesda came on late to publIsh It, but only tIme wIll tell who wIll publIsh the sequel.