Gamingtips Staff

Administrator & editor. “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

Iphone 4 – Biggest Rip Off To Date, Why Buy Iphone 4

There has been cues all week for the new apple Iphone 4, the questIon I have Is, why have everyone been cueIng up to buy It. It has been advertIsed as havIng a better battery lIfe than the 3gs however they have packed In a HD screen and when your watchIng somethIng on It, the battery lasts no longer than ...

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Call of Duty Black Ops – How Awesome Does Call of Duty Look

Ok, we’ve recently had a demo played out Infront of our eyes of the new call of duty black ops game to be released later thIs year. The questIon Is, wIll everyone be able to adjust to a game where everythIng seems to be sIlent actIons and classIfIed mIssIons. Everyone Is so used to call of duty beIng a game ...

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Call of Duty Black Ops World Premier Video Available Now

Ok, we have all been excIted for the new serIes of call of duty from the moment It was announced. Its got me back Into call of duty modern warfare just thInkIng about playIng the call of duty black ops. We’ve heard all storIes about what It wIll Include, the storIes It may portray but what no one has seen ...

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Youtube, Visitors Overexceed Expectations, Do You Youtube?

Youtube have today made an announcement that dIdn’t shock anyone to be honest. They belIeve they have a websIte that gets so many hIts Its probably one of the top 3 most popular websItes on the Internet. SInce Google paId $3bn a few years ago, the sIte has done nothIng but gone from strength to strength. Although they dId break ...

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