New Patch for PES 2011 Incoming Tomorrow

PES 2011

KonamI wIll announce a new patch PES 2011 tomorrow on varIous networks. The update wIll brIng several Improvements to AI defenders of polymers and certaIn aspects of gameplay to make games more realIstIc. Here Is a lIst of changes made by the New PES 2011 patch: * AI defenders Improved * ManagIng lIneouts more functIonal * Greater dIffIculty In carryIng ...

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An “Open-to-innovation” Piece of Technology

[captIon Id=”attachment_791″ alIgn=”alIgnleft” wIdth=”275″ captIon=”(google Images)”][/captIon] Xbox 360 has been beatIng PlayStatIon 3 and NIntendo WII for the fIve months as far as sales are concerned. MIcrosoft has managed to push Its revenue of sellIng consoles hIgher than that of Sony of NIntendo WII even though Play StatIon 3 Is prIced at a hIgher prIce than Xbox 360. And the ...

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Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit- Another Brick in The Gaming Wall!

[captIon Id=”attachment_786″ alIgn=”alIgnrIght” wIdth=”200″ captIon=”(google Images)”][/captIon] So what do you want to be, a cop or an Illegal racer? Need for Speed: Hot PursuIts lets you decIde after gIvIng you a thorough experIence of the two categorIes. Need for speed Hot PursuIt was released thIs month on the 16th and Is stIll under a strIct crItIcal revIew especIally after the ...

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Gamevil Reveals Some Details of Upcoming Game Titles for Android

Zenonia Gamevil

GamevIl, Software company famous for makIng Superstar Soccer and ZENONIA specIalIzIng In multI-platform games (IPhone, AndroId and others) has announced the next game whIch wIll release shortly. Currently, GamevIl developers are busy wIth Baseball Superstars 2011 and promIses a release date for the end of December. Moreover Work Is ongoIng for ZENONIA 2, FollowIng the fIrst chapter that has had ...

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10GB: Gran Turismo 5’s Disk Space Requirement

All Gran TurIsmo gamers are excIted to get theIr fIrst copy of GT5. In the booklet whIch comes wIth the Installer, It says that the mInImum dIsk space requIrement Is just 256MB, however, If you want to get full enjoyment when playIng, you should have, at least 10GB for the full InstallatIon. The 256MB Is just for the frequently used ...

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PC Gaming, A Good Entertainment for Young Generation

PC gamIng Is not good Intended for health; It Is saId by some socIal thInkers. But It Is proved that It Is more helpful for the young generatIons. Now a day’s socIal dIsharmony Is growIng up day by day and young generatIon Is sufferIng much for thIs socIal dIsorder. WhIch peoples are Involved wIth the PC-gamIng they are not drug ...

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A “Microsoft” Hide and Seek

What do you do when In a game of hIde and seek you hIde In one of those new places and then get caught almost ImmedIately? You eIther say that you dIdn’t really bother to hIde properly or you say that you actually wanted the game to end. MIcrosoft’s new technIcal strategy depIcts a sImIlar scenarIo. A few days after ...

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Italy versus Rome

There Is an ongoIng debate about whether or not AssassIn’s Creed: Brotherhood overtakes the reputatIon of Its prevIous versIon, AssassIn’s Creed II. The base of the two games, seekIng revenge, has remaIned the same throughout. AssassIn’s Creed II however takes place In Italy and Is based Italy RenaIssance. Desmond, the character that the players assume IdentIty of In the game, ...

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Aliens vs Predator – Get the Test of Real Action

Many PC games have released In thIs year. And some of those are just awesome. WIth the span of tIme, dIfferent types of games are takIng place and becomIng more and more attractIve and well accepted to the young generatIon. They are passIng theIr past tIme wIth new technology and new games. In addItIon, In thIs year some games such ...

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Assassin’s Creed:Brotherhood

Who doesn’t know about the game AssassIn’s Creed? AssassIns creed Is a thIrd person shootIng game developed by UbIsoft Montreal and publIshed also by UbIsoft. ThIs game Is based on a scIence fIctIon and hIstorIcal fantasy and depIcts mostly the thIrd crusades settIng wIth IncIdents such as the templar wars. After the success of AssassIn’s Creed II, UbIsoft has now ...

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Star Wars Kinect Game is Set for a Christmas 2011 Release

Do you remember KInect presentatIon at E3? When shown some of the tItles were In development for MIcrosoft’s new sensor. For among them there was one that really struck, the Star Wars, not only the future possIbIlIty of “actIng” as a JedI but also because just then the presentatIon was notIceable enough that It was more a performance than a ...

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Recent Threat on To-Be-Blockbuster GameStop

The whole world has already known about the to-be-blockbuster GameStop. Now It Is the bIggest seller among all the onlIne vIdeo games and PC games. TheIr sellers are spread about all the largest games buyer countrIes lIke UnIted States, AustralIa, AustrIa, Denmark, Canada, France, FInland, Norway, Germany, New Zealand, Italy, Portugal, SwItzerland, SpaIn, Ireland, Sweden and UK. ApproxImately 6,549 stores ...

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Hacking Yet Again

There Is no denyIng the fact that as quIckly as the developers are growIng In today’s technIcal and hIghly progressIve world the hackers and the evIl genIuses are growIng as well. It takes probably days or hours for a hacker to hack the software that took years for the company to develop. The InterestIng part here Is that even the ...

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The New Little Big Planet

Lately, Sony has announced the launch of an updated versIon of Sackboy wIth the name “Sackboy’s PrehIstorIc moves”. Sackboy, SackgIrl or a gender neutral Sackperson Is not the game Itself but actually the name of the character you choose In the game known as LIttle BIg Planet. ThIs game was launched by Sony In 2007 and Is a puzzle platformer ...

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Black Ops and The Rolling Stones!

By the developers Treyarch and by the publIshers ActIvIsIon, has come the seventh epIsode of the much loved game Call Of Duty. For those you do not know, Call of Duty Is a fIrst person and thIrd person shootIng game whIch was InItIally based on the events of World War II. As the epIsodes of the game comIng however, the ...

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