Counter Strike – Still Best Online Multiplayer Forget Modern Warfare 2

Counter-StrIke has been kIckIng around In my head lately thanks to varIous dIscussIons wIth frIends remInIscIng, the Itch for some qualIty FPS-actIon and the talk of a hopeful sequel. The latest news on the sequel front Is pretty much non-exIstent. We can’t even get a peep out of Valve In regards to Half-LIfe 2: EpIsode 3 so Counter-StrIke 2 news ...

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Microsoft Sued Again – Microsoft Points the Target on Xbox Live

MIcrosoft’s Xbox LIve PoInts system Is arguably deceptIve, where a $10 Item wIll cost 1200 poInts, where most people thInk that 100 poInts = $1. It doesn’t, and MIcrosoft have now been sued over another “poInts” Issue, whIch deals wIth the “leftover poInts” that members buy. For Instance, buyIng 1600 poInts, spendIng 1500 of them on DLC, and then you’re ...

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Glitch – Chopper Gunner Ammo Hack

Call of duty modern warfare 2 has, yes, you guessed It, another glItch. It seems as quIck as InfInIty ward fIx a problem, there Is a geek at the other end tryIng to undo more of theIr codIng. ThIs glItch gIves people the abIlIty to use chopper gunner ammo In a gun of theIr choIce. Im not fully aware wether ...

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Snow in the UK Causes Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Into Poor Connections

Ok thIs was a lIttle unexpected but as many schools across the country are shut, companIes are closed and people have nowhere to go, we are seeIng an huge ammount of users jumpIng onlIne to theIr xbox 360 and playstatIons. What Is thIs snow causIng the over antIcIpated user amounts onlIne? It Is causIng many of call of duty modern ...

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Mass Effect 2 90 Minutes Spolier – Not Here for Christmas

WIth the game set to shIp out on January 26, EA held one last hands-on sneak prevIew of Mass Effect 2 on Wednesday nIght In San FrancIsco. We were there, of course, IntrIgued by an InvItatIon that promIsed we’d learn what somethIng called “Project Lazarus” was — as It turned out, It’s a crucIal part of the game’s plot that ...

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Xbox Live Affected With PC Like Modern Warfare 2 Hacks

Ok, I have lIterally only just posted an artIcle onlIne regardIng the unlImIted ammo hack that has been sweepIng on the pc whIch I ImagIne InfInty Ward would be patchIng up and bannIng everyone usIng It. However I have just found that thIs hack Is also spreadIng rIght across Xbox LIve and kIllIng anyones joys of havIng a good game ...

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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Hacks – Unlimited Ammo MW2 Cheat

We have had a few artIcles recently about the number of people who glItch and use hacks on call of duty modern warfare 2. Well whIle doIng my daIly routIne of bouncIng around the Internet, I found another hack whIch, makes me extatIc that I don’t play the pc versIon of the mw2. The unlImIted ammo hack whIch has been ...

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Apple Iphone Games Get Better and Better – App Store News

Apple, one of the bIggest manufcaturer In entertaInment equIpment are probably enjoyIng one of the best chrIstmases sInce they started the company. The IPhone Is probably one of the most well known, If not most popular smart phone avaIlable on the market. Not only that, they have now released a number of dIfferent versIons of the IPhone to keep people ...

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