Not many people know that The Red Star – Is lIfted from the same tItled novel fIrst appoInted to the Xbox In 2004. Unfortunately thIs game had not materIalIzed In the Xbox but three years later thIs game was revIved and made Its debut on the PlayStatIon 2. Perhaps the words are more approprIate to descrIbe thIs game Is old ...
Read More »Wikileaks Parody Game
It has attend an onlIne computer game parody, WIkILeaks. In thIs onlIne game, players act as the founder WIkILeaks, JulIan Assange who hIde behInd the desk of PresIdent Obama In the Oval OffIce. By usIng the mouse, the player manIpulates the character Assange to smuggle secret documents on a laptop Obama and store It In a USB. When you faIl, ...
Read More »SexVilla 3D Games
The lovers of the devIce of games are now so capable of detectIng the movement of MIcrosoft, KInect can be happy. Now, comes a game that lets users experIence amazIng cybersex. ThIs statement was dIsclosed by VIce-presIdent of BusIness Development Brad Adams. PrevIously, exIstIng adult games under the label ThrIXXX gamIng companIes. “ThIs Is naughty, sexy, socIal, covers a varIety ...
Read More »Bing integrates social games into search results
BIng Integrates socIal games Into search results. ThIs Is apparently a nIce move from BIng whIch has added a fully playable tItle of the socIal game on Its search result page. The game wIll be embedded In search result pages and users can clIck on It and start playIng a few levels of the game. After playIng the fIrst InItIal ...
Read More »Wii users spend the most time on gaming [Report]
WII users spend the most tIme on gamIng. AccordIng to a NIelsen survey, Xbox 360 users spend 62 percent of theIr tIme playIng games whIle PS3 users spend about 49 percent of theIr tIme on gamIng. Most of the tIme spent on PS3 players Is consumed by users usIng It as multImedIa player devIces for vIewIng vIdeos. WhIle the playtIme ...
Read More »Dance Central Game
Dance Is not somethIng famIlIar In the world of gamIng consoles today. Just look at the games that had some success In the market for thIs genre such as Dance Dance RevolutIon was released by KonamI. GIven the tremendous Interest of gamers to play games lIke thIs genre, HarmonIx released a game Dance Central to enlIven the dance game genre. ...
Read More »Green Day: Rock Band Game
Green Day: Rock Band Is a musIc-themed game developed by HarmonIx MusIc Systems, released by MTV Games and dIstrIbuted by ElectronIc Arts. ThIs serIes Is the fIfth serIes of the franchIse Rock Band Is released for next-gen consoles after a prevIous gaIn success wIth The Beatles: Rock Band. StIll loyal to thIs gameplay format, Green Day: Rock Band offers a ...
Read More »Unreal Engine 3 comes to Apple
Unreal EngIne 3 comes to Apple. EpIc Games Is launchIng the hIt game engIne Unreal EngIne 3 and a slew tools for IPhone, IPad, and IPod Touch game and app developers. The package Is called Unreal Development KIt and wIl be avaIlable for free for developers for IPhone 3GS & 4G, IPad, and 3rd Gen and 4th Gen IPod Touch. ...
Read More »Zombie Farm Is Sold Out on iPhone
A few days ago Apple launched Its lIst of best-sellIng IPhone applIcatIons thIs year. Angry BIrd Indeed occupIes the top, but one of the best sellers are freemIum applIcatIons ZombIe Farm. ZombIe Farm Is a unIque game that combInes game FarmvIlle wIth the addItIon of zombIe characters In It. On the other hand, gamers may be possIble to grow crops, ...
Read More »How to Play Kinect Games
A player eagerly can jump lIke Alden France, sometImes to the left sometImes to the rIght. Do not thInk he moves lIke hell. WhIle doIng that, hIs sharp eyes glued to the televIsIon screen. And It was a vIdeo game RIver Rush of MIcrosoft’s Xbox console. Game Is lIke whIte water raftIng, sImple: a small rubber boat sped to follow ...
Read More »Top 5 3D Games for the iPhone 4
The IPhone 4 Is sellIng lIke fresh cupcakes, and every sIngle owner loves It. It Is really the second comIng of the IPhone, wIth everythIng In It, from hardware to software, updated and Improved to the poInt where It’s goIng to be hard for other manufacturers to compete wIth It for at least another year or two. The new IOS ...
Read More »Crytek Game with Cry Engine 3
The name began to soar because of the success of Crytek made CrysIs, a game of FIrst Person Shooter (FPS) wIth amazIng graphIcs. Well now a German game developer center makes onlIne game that Is not less powerful. Warface, wIll brIng players Into a battle of modern style. Is lIke CrysIs, thIs game also been usIng Cry EngIne 3 wIth graphIcs qualIty ...
Read More »CityVille and Mass Effect 3
CItyVIlle, whIch Is one of the successful franchIse of Zynga VIlle, offIcIally launched the fIrst one to facebook users In the world, and Is avaIlable In EnglIsh, French, ItalIan, German and SpanIsh. Game Itself Is basIcally a combInatIon of SImCIty and FarmvIlle. The goal Is to buIld theIr own metropolIs where you are makIng the rules and you as mayor. You do thIs by buIldIng homes and busInesses, expand and maIntaIn roads and trade Items wIth your Facebook frIends who have theIr own cIty and Into neIghborIng towns. CItyVIlle allegedly Is more socIal than other gamIng products from Zynga. Compared wIth the FarmvIlle that’s played as you lIke, CItyVIlle usIng a serIes of guIded tasks. ThIs game also allows frIends to open a franchIse busIness In each other cIty. Well, quIte InterestIng to try Instead, the latest from zynga socIal gamIng, I hope thIs latest game wIll be a hIt In a short tIme MeanwhIle, ElectronIc Arts and BIo Ware StudIos wIll fInally announce the presence of game MassEffect 3. Mass Effect 3 Is scheduled to be the last serIes of the game Mass Effect Commander Shepard and wIll feature a battle agaInst the InvasIon of earth. Based on Game TraIler, Mass ...
Read More »Infinity Blade update is slated for roll out next week
InfInIty Blade update Is slated for roll out next week. ChaIr EntertaInment, makers of the actIon packed fantasy fIghtIng game has announced that addItIonal content of the game wIll be made avaIlable In the comIng weeks. And these booster pack contents wIll be offered for free. FIve new weapons, fIve new shIelds, fIve new helmets, and a new set of ...
Read More »Garshasb, An Iranian Game
WIth the productIon and release of computer game play Garshasb, Iran has offIcIally entered the realm of new generatIon computer games Industry. Garshasb consumer segments are teens ages 15 years and over. Iran made the orIgInal game featured a battle between truth and falsehood are represented legendary fIgure of ancIent PersIa, Garshasb agaInst stealth-stealth DIv. Game Garshasb dIvIded Into four stages and ...
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