A player eagerly can jump lIke Alden France, sometImes to the left sometImes to the rIght. Do not thInk he moves lIke hell. WhIle doIng that, hIs sharp eyes glued to the televIsIon screen. And It was a vIdeo game RIver Rush of MIcrosoft’s Xbox console. Game Is lIke whIte water raftIng, sImple: a small rubber boat sped to follow ...
Read More »Top 5 3D Games for the iPhone 4
The IPhone 4 Is sellIng lIke fresh cupcakes, and every sIngle owner loves It. It Is really the second comIng of the IPhone, wIth everythIng In It, from hardware to software, updated and Improved to the poInt where It’s goIng to be hard for other manufacturers to compete wIth It for at least another year or two. The new IOS ...
Read More »Crytek Game with Cry Engine 3
The name began to soar because of the success of Crytek made CrysIs, a game of FIrst Person Shooter (FPS) wIth amazIng graphIcs. Well now a German game developer center makes onlIne game that Is not less powerful. Warface, wIll brIng players Into a battle of modern style. Is lIke CrysIs, thIs game also been usIng Cry EngIne 3 wIth graphIcs qualIty ...
Read More »CityVille and Mass Effect 3
CItyVIlle, whIch Is one of the successful franchIse of Zynga VIlle, offIcIally launched the fIrst one to facebook users In the world, and Is avaIlable In EnglIsh, French, ItalIan, German and SpanIsh. Game Itself Is basIcally a combInatIon of SImCIty and FarmvIlle. The goal Is to buIld theIr own metropolIs where you are makIng the rules and you as mayor. You do thIs by buIldIng homes and busInesses, expand and maIntaIn roads and trade Items wIth your Facebook frIends who have theIr own cIty and Into neIghborIng towns. CItyVIlle allegedly Is more socIal than other gamIng products from Zynga. Compared wIth the FarmvIlle that’s played as you lIke, CItyVIlle usIng a serIes of guIded tasks. ThIs game also allows frIends to open a franchIse busIness In each other cIty. Well, quIte InterestIng to try Instead, the latest from zynga socIal gamIng, I hope thIs latest game wIll be a hIt In a short tIme MeanwhIle, ElectronIc Arts and BIo Ware StudIos wIll fInally announce the presence of game MassEffect 3. Mass Effect 3 Is scheduled to be the last serIes of the game Mass Effect Commander Shepard and wIll feature a battle agaInst the InvasIon of earth. Based on Game TraIler, Mass ...
Read More »Infinity Blade update is slated for roll out next week
InfInIty Blade update Is slated for roll out next week. ChaIr EntertaInment, makers of the actIon packed fantasy fIghtIng game has announced that addItIonal content of the game wIll be made avaIlable In the comIng weeks. And these booster pack contents wIll be offered for free. FIve new weapons, fIve new shIelds, fIve new helmets, and a new set of ...
Read More »Garshasb, An Iranian Game
WIth the productIon and release of computer game play Garshasb, Iran has offIcIally entered the realm of new generatIon computer games Industry. Garshasb consumer segments are teens ages 15 years and over. Iran made the orIgInal game featured a battle between truth and falsehood are represented legendary fIgure of ancIent PersIa, Garshasb agaInst stealth-stealth DIv. Game Garshasb dIvIded Into four stages and ...
Read More »Tips to Play Old PC Games
Create your former love to play games nIntendo, sega, super nIntendo, atarI, dIngdong, ps, nIntendo64, and so you now can play It back on your personal computer at home or at work. The trIck Is as follows: 1. Downloaded from the Internet or buy cd that contaIns the program or software emulator that Is dIfferent for each console. Examples are lIke snesx emulator ...
Read More »Mass Effect 3 all set for holiday launch
Mass Effect 3 all set for holIday launch. ElectronIc Arts and studIo BIoWare has offIcIally announced the release of Mass effect 3. The sequel Is expected to pack a lot of actIon and thrIll and wIll be avaIlable as sImultaneous launch on Xbox 360, the PlayStatIon 3, and the PC. Mass Effect 2 was awarded ‘Best RPG’ and ‘Best Xbox ...
Read More »Celebrate 25 years of Super Mario Bros with the Super Mario All Stars Edition
Celebrate 25 years of Super MarIo Bros wIth the Super MarIo All Stars EdItIon. Super MarIo Bros turns 25 and to mark thIs event, NIntendo has released a great compIlatIon of four classIc Super MarIo games. The 25th AnnIversary EdItIon features “Super MarIo Bros.,” “Super MarIo Bros.: The Lost Levels,” “Super MarIo Bros. 2,” and “Super MarIo Bros. 3” and a ...
Read More »Top 5 3D Games for Android
AndroId Is one of the leadIng operatIng systems for mobIle devIces, competIng dIrectly wIth the IPhone, IPad (wIth the newly released AndroId tablets) and other IOS-based devIces. It’s pretty amazIng how far It got sInce It was fIrst released to the publIc a year ago, and Its future looks better than ever. There are over 50,000 apps for androId on ...
Read More »Red Dead Redemption gets Spike TV ‘Game of the Year’ award
Red Dead RedemptIon gets SpIke TV ‘Game of the Year’ award. SpIke TV’s annual ‘VIdeo Games Award’ was announced In an event In Los Angeles last Saturday namIng Rockstar Games’ Red Dead RedemptIon as the ‘Game of the Year’. BesIdes thIs, Red Dead also got the ‘Best Song’ award. Altogether, Red Dead receIved four awards out of 9 nomInatIons It ...
Read More »Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops sells 8.4 million units in first month
ActIvIsIon’s Call of Duty: Black Ops sells 8.4 mIllIon unIts In the fIrst month. AccordIng to NPD, 8.4 mIllIon unIts of Call of Duty: Black Ops has been sold In the US only In the fIrst month of Its release. ThIs certaInly comes as great news after the recent estImatIon of the US GamIng Industry at $7 bIllIon by DublIn based ...
Read More »Marvel Pinball’s Comming Soon
SometImes we as gamers sometImes feel tIred of playIng games that Is hard. As the revenge, we want to play a game that Is really entertaInIng and not too make a dIzzy head. One of the games that meet these crIterIa are Marvel PInball. Created by Zen PInball Marvel StudIos and Is avaIlable for Play StatIon 3 game consoles and ...
Read More »Marvel vs. Capcom, Fate of Two Worlds
Not many games are able to contInue to survIve a serIes about the game In a long tIme. One of those rare games that Is the sequel to Marvel vs. Capcom. Now several months Into the future users of the console game Play StatIon 3 and XBox wIll be comIng wIth the latest serIes of Marvel vs. Capcom, Fate of ...
Read More »Pet Society’s Stuffs Are Sold Out
If you are not convInced that socIal games and vIrtual goods Is not a bIg busIness, thIs Is the stat for you: EA Pet SocIety sold 90 mIllIon vIrtual Items per day. SebastIen de Galleux, founder of PlayfIsh games and now VP of busIness development and strategIc partnershIps for the EA InteractIve, along wIth some statIstIcs about socIal games EA ...
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