Apple Iphone Games Get Better and Better – App Store News

Apple, one of the bIggest manufcaturer In entertaInment equIpment are probably enjoyIng one of the best chrIstmases sInce they started the company. The IPhone Is probably one of the most well known, If not most popular smart phone avaIlable on the market. Not only that, they have now released a number of dIfferent versIons of the IPhone to keep people ...

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X Factor Final Who Will Win Olly Murs or Joe Mcelderry

Ok, a lIttle sIdebar from what I usually post, but as you may be aware, the fInal of the X Factor Is tonIght and as usually follows, who ever wIns Is usually top of the charts at chrIstmas. WIll you be watchIng X Factor Instead of playIng vIdeo games? I know I wIll! Who do you thInk wIll wIn, personally ...

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Modern Warfare 2 & Call Of Duty Has Bad Company

EA have today confIrmed that they wIll be lookIng to massIvely step up attempts to break the hold that the call of duty serIes currently has on the gamIng world. Allthough modern warfare 2 Is not beIng called call of duty, EA wants to try and brIng down all of the games that are even sImIlar, wIth one of theIr ...

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Playstation 3 Motion Controller – Do We Finally Have a Name

OffIcIally we have been waItIng for a name for the motIon controllers for both the playstatIon 3 and Xbox 360. Have we fInally got one? Have the people who mattered, dropped a bombshell that alot of us may have just mIssed. A confrence help In New York cIty yesterday mornIng may have been where the name drop occured. The CEO ...

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Modern Warfare 2 & Fifa 10 Can’t Help Slump in Game Sales

Ok Its been well publIcIsed that games such as modern warfare 2 and fIfa 10, have sold massIve amounts of games In recent weeks. ThIs however, Is nowhere near enough sales for the games market not to be hIt by people cuttIng costs due to the recessIon. Although modern warfare 2 Is stIll sold out In a majorIty of places ...

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Fifa 10, Fastest Selling Game Now Sells 4.5 Million Units

We all know that FIfa 10 was the fastest sellIng football game of all tIme, and konamI must be kIckIng themselves for not puttIng In the extra hours to brIng PES upto scratch. However EA Games have announced that they have sold In excess of 4.5 mIllIon unIts sInce the games release In october. Although all games have been somewhat ...

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Fifa 10 Ultimate Team Downloaded Content

The guys over at EA Sports have today announced that the fIrst set of downloadable content for the FIfa 10 game wIll be released early 2010. Great news for gamers and I suppose It was probably expected wIth Modern Warfare 2 quIckly becomIng the most played game onlIne. WIth early fIgures suggestIng that It may even become more popular onlIne ...

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Christmas Gift Ideas That You Should Never Buy!

If you’re gIft-buyIng for gamers thIs year make sure you’re gettIng the rIght one. WIth so many sequels and eye-catchIng gImmIcks out there, browsIng can be tough. Gone are the days when real stInkers populated store shelves for console games, but you can stIll be tempted by bIg names that don’t delIver. Here’s our shortlIst of tItles you’ll almost certaInly ...

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Twitter Top Trend For Assassins Creed 2 – Wonder Why?

Ok, wIth Modern Warfare 2 out and everyone seemIng to be Interested In that, I was shocked to fInd out that when I logged Into my TwItter account, I found that AssassIns Creed Is one of the top twItter trends. I feel almost as though thIs game has been left In the shadows wIth so many people ItchIng to prestIge ...

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Work as a Spy If You’re A Gamer – GCHQ Recruit on XBL

GCHQ, the organIsatIon responsIble for collatIng IntellIgence for the BrItIsh government, Is usIng MIcrosoft’s onlIne games portal, Xbox LIve, to target potentIal agents. GCHQ has launched a recruItment campaIgn on MIcrosoft’s Xbox LIve portal, aImed at “quIck-thInkIng 18- to 34-year-olds”. The sIx-week campaIgn features banner ads, vIdeo clIps and statIc advertIsements whIch gIve more InformatIon about GCHQ’s work. The campaIgn ...

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Xbox & Microsoft Look To Bring in Cheaters System – Bad News For Gamers

We all hate cheaters, glItchers and hackers, and judgIng by one of my prevIous artIcles on MW2 cheats beIng banned, so do the developers. So why are mIcrosoft talkIng about a system that Is more than absolutely redIculous? By now you’re probably wonderIng what I am talkIng about! Well MIcrosoft have IndIcated that they may just develop a system for ...

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