Fifa 2010 Full Preview and New Features from David Rutter

If you ask me, thIs game just looks amazIng. LookIng at the new features and how the game looks to have moves forward Is really really fantastIc. Have a look through the new features and an IntroductIon Into how each wIll be Implemented. VIdeo Is from Gamescom In cologne Germany! Let me know what you thInk and how much your ...

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Fifa 09 – Xbox Live Cheats Ruining The Game

Ok, thIs Is my rant! I have recently been playIng fIfa tryIng to push myself up the rankIngs and encountered a terrIble problem that seems to me sneakIng up on everyone, people playIng onlIne In ranked matches, wIth custom teams. I stood back for long enough wIth people playIng bullshIt formatIons of 7, 8 or even 9 defenders, but now ...

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Play Street Fight 2 ChampionShip Edition Free Online

Does everyone enjoy Street FIghter IV? If you do then you may be Interested In what Ive got to offer now. On the back of my free mIchael jackson download you can now play street fIght 2 champIonshIp edItIon for free onlIne. Consult my flash wIndow below In order to play thIs mega arcade classIc!

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EA Sports – Fifa 2010 Official Gampeplay Teaser

Now we can fInally see a teaser of the eagerly awaIted, EA Sports FIfa 2010. WIth me beIng a semI professIonal fIfa player I my self cannot waIt to get thIs game and smash some goals In, or fInd all the lIttle glItches etc… Anyway enjoy and leave your comments below! Usually approved wIthIn the hour

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Micheal Jackson Moonwalker Game Download

Yes the kIng of pop Is dead, and for that we all have to hope hIs famIly are ok and that he rest In peace. However he shall not be forgotten! Does everyone remember hIs game, Moonwalker for the Sega Mega DrIve?! If you vaguely remember the youtube vIdeo Is below. Also you can download the game here! Get ready ...

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Call of Duty 6 – Sorry Modern Warfare 2

If you are Into your “call of duty” serIes, then thIs new game Isn’t for you. Or atleast thats what the guys at actIvIsIon thInk. In a bold move, the tag of “call of duty” has been dropped to supposedly make a breakaway game from call of duty to a new serIes of Modern Warfare. The new game, Modern Warfare ...

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EA Sports Fifa 2010 – Official Video Preview

ThIs Is your chance to see an exclusIve IntervIew wIth the team at EA answerIng some questIons and gIvIng you a general prevIew of the eagerly awaIted FIfa 10. If FIfa 09 Is anythIng to measure by, then thIs Is goIng to rock the esports gamIng communIty and pro evo even further.

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Violent Video Games – The End is Near?

AccordIng to several Internet sources, IncludIng thIs one Germany’s 16 InterIor MInIsters are rallyIng to completely stamp out vIolent vIdeogames. The onlIne edItIon of German news magazIne Der SpIegel has revealed that InterIor mInIsters urged agaInst ‘KIllerspIele’ (kIller games) durIng a conference held last FrIday. Although detaIls are only beIng shared In EnglIsh vIa onlIne translatIons such as thIs, It ...

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News That Almost Escaped E3

Last.FM on Xbox 360 News of a deal that brIngs to the Xbox 360 was kInd of lost In the flood of InformatIon comIng out of MIcrosoft’s E3 press conference last week. So let’s go back to It. The servIce wIll be made avaIlable later thIs year, and wIll be free to all Xbox LIve Gold subscrIbers. Once accessed, ...

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Fifa 09 Tips Part 2a

AttackIng, Part One Ok last tIme I brought you tIps on how to defend successfully wIth four at the back Instead of people playIng the 5 and 3 sweapers(whIch I thInk Is really stupId for a football game). ThIs week I wIll break down my attackIng tIps Into two pIeces so that I don’t end up leavIng you wIth far ...

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Fifa 09 Tips Part One

ThIs Is always a place where I fInd an awful lot of people onlIne, lack the skIlls to wIn matches. As we all know defendIng Is the kIng of wInnIng football matches, If you can keep a clean sheet then you can more than lIkely, wIn every match you play (except those annoyIng games that go through to penaltIes). In ...

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Gears of War Movie

Who WIll Play Who – HAVE YOUR SAY I know that alot of people have been expectIng thIs movIe for a whIle now wIth rumours flyIng about everywhere wIth possIble release dates and the maIn story lIne. WIll It be based around Gears 1 or 2, or wIll It be some sort of hybrId between the two. There Is also ...

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