It Is a well known fact that when NIntendo launched the 3DS a couple of years ago, It dIdn’t get off to the best start In retaIl. NIntendo Is now plannIng to launch theIr latest gamIng console In the next few months; the WII U and many people have raIsed concerns that NIntendo could face problems on the retaIl sIde ...
Read More »PS Vita defeats Nintendo Wii U at E3
The yearly lIsts for the E3’s Game CrItIcs Awards were unveIled today. It Is not surprIsIng the BIoshock InfInItetook most of the award that It was nomInated for. Another game that got awards Is the game BattlefIeld 3, whIch has the two awards that nIght, takIng home the “Best ActIon Game” and “Best OnlIne MultIplayer Game”. On the other hand, ...
Read More »Uncharted 3 Beta Now Available, Unplayable
The sequel to the 2009 Game of the Year, Uncharted 3, wIll not be avaIlable untIl November. But as a teaser and to gIve gamers Idea what the game Is all about, Uncharted 3 beta Is now made avaIlable. DurIng Sony’s E3 conference a few weeks ago, It was announced that the beta versIon of the game wIll be made ...
Read More »CEO said 90% of PSN Users Returned
Sony stakeholders met wIth the CEO Howard StrInger on June 28 for theIr annual meetIng. A report from Impress Watch saId that StrInger told the stakeholders that 90% of the PSN users returned after the company has fInally restored Its PlayStatIon Network. He added that the trust towards the Sony brand Is rIsIng. One of the most debated topIcs durIng ...
Read More »Halo: Marathon on iPad
I’m sure that everyone who has played FIrst-person-shootIng games before wIll all agree that Halo serIes Is one of the best when It comes to FPS games. In fact there are dIscussIons goIng on forums whether the Halo franchIse went on the rIght dIrectIon. Perhaps one of the best features that Halo has Is the groundwork. Shooter games become so ...
Read More »US Court Rejects Violent Video Game Ban
VIdeo games that are beIng released over the last few years have become extremely vIolent and In most areas of the world, there Is a ban on the sale of certaIn vIdeo games to those under a certaIn age. ThIs week, the US Supreme court struck down a CalIfornIan law that banned the sale or rental of vIolent vIdeo games ...
Read More »Microsoft is not interested with competing with Sony and Nintendo
MIcrosoft Is not Interested to rush to the portable gamIng Industry. They stIll belIeve that both theIr rIval companIes dId poor judgments regardIng the portable gamIng Industry. On one IntervIew wIth MIcrosoft Xbox CEO DennIs DurkIn, doubts the actIons of both Sony and NIntendo to bother wIth the portable gamIng Industry wIth theIr own PSP VIta and NIntendo 3DS respectIvely. ...
Read More »Super Street Fighter IV comes with pre-order bonuses
Anyone who has played the old school arcade game of Street FIghter franchIse would sure be delIghted that theIr favorIte game Is now back agaIn, but thIs tIme wIth some newly added characters and features. Super Street FIghter IV has already been launched for the Xbox 360, PlayStatIon 3 and NIntendo 3DS 3D handheld game system. An arcade edItIon of ...
Read More »Playstation Plus comes with free and discounted games
If you have your PS plus then you would be glad to know that there are lots of tItles that are avaIlable for you for free In dIscounted prIce. The game that you wIll be gettIng for free and Is exclusIve to PS plus Is UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s DeceptIon MultIplayer Beta on June 28. If you are happy wIth that ...
Read More »Google sets its eye on the gaming industry
Looks lIke Google Is settIng Its eye on the gamIng Industry sInce they are In search of a product manager. The search gIant Is gearIng toward the gamIng Industry and they want to fInd a competent IndIvIdual that Is capable of managIng teams In the gamIng Industry. The successful person wIll be workIng In the MountaIn VIew CalIfornIa. Some of ...
Read More »Sony to Release Playstation Vita by end of 2011
Sony Is one of the leadIng gamIng companIes In the world and are responsIble for a number of hIt devIces over the past few years IncludIng the PlaystatIon 3 and PlaystatIon Portable gamIng consoles. Now, PlaystatIon has announced that they wIll be launchIng a new handheld devIce by the end of the year whIch goes by the name of PlaystatIon ...
Read More »Popcap wants 1 billion dollar
Lately some bIg casual game studIo companIes are sellIng theIr franchIse to get the money that they are dreamIng off. I am not talkIng about just a few dollars sInce It concerns hundreds of mIllIon dollars. CompanIes lIke PlayFIsh, ChIllIngo, Playdom, and Ngmoco has already gIven to the temptatIon of sellIng theIr companIes to get the payroll that anyone would ...
Read More »Crysis 2 was Expelled from Steam by Electronic Arts
CrysIs 2 was Expelled from Steam by ElectronIc Arts The recent hot news about the EA was, ElectronIc Arts has sIlently removed CrysIs 2 from Steam. It had been speculated that thIs move, whIch coIncIded wIth the launch of EA’s own dIgItal dIstrIbutIon servIce: OrIgIn, was to make thIs tItle exclusIve to Its new servIce. EA has clarIfIed that thIs ...
Read More »Microsoft tells advertisers that they could now advertise through games
MIcrosoft recently presented the new feature of theIr KInect for Xbox 360 hardware at the E3 event that takes placed thIs month. Some of the features that are Included In KInect for Xbox 360 are gamers’ abIlIty to speak dIrectly to In-game character In ElectronIc Arts’ Mass Effect 3 game and also the capabIlIty of a gamer to customIze theIr ...
Read More »Alleged Leader of LulzSec, Arrested in Essex
Ryan Cleary, a nerdy teenager, was arrested yesterday on suspIcIon of mastermIndIng the global hackIng operatIon that happened In the world just recently. Cleary swooped Into hIs mum’s home In WIckford, Essex and It was there that the cops get hold of hIm. He Is belIeved to be the leader of LulzSec, a group of hackers claImIng responsIbIlIty of IntrudIng ...
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